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79 total results found

Listing members (landing page)

Members and Other Member Lists

This is the initial page you will arrive on when clicking "Members".  This page/s list all of your current members - that is, members that have been verified, and not locked. It will include expired members until they are locked. For more on locking, visit Lo...

Unverified Members

Members and Other Member Lists

Location: Members/Members - Other Member Lists (button) - Unverified members If your organisation allows online sign ups, these will be listed here until they are verified by an admin. Unverified members do not show in the current members list, but will appea...

Locking and Unlocking

Admin/Custom views Membership History

Locking Locking a member removes them from your current members list, and also prevents them from being able to login or borrow.  To lock a member, navigate to their Membership History tab. At the bottom there is a option to "Lock Membership" with a date fi...

How to Loan Toys

Admin/Custom views

Loaning Toys To loan a toy, navigate to the loaning member's page.  Using the 'Loan a toy' box, begin entering the Toy ID or toy name. As you begin entering this information a dropdown selection of possible matches appears, narrowed down to the unique match...

Automatic Emails

Admin/Custom views

Login History

Admin/Custom views

Login history tracks all the different times a user has logged in (both the primary user and the alternative user - the email indicates which). SeTLS is designed to leave a user logged in, so multiple locations can be logged in at once (ie a member may be logg...


Admin/Custom views

Membership History Table

Admin/Custom views Membership History

Membership History Table This table displays all the membership histories for the member, including volunteering requirements and if they were met.  If you need to edit a member history, such as if a member signs up for the wrong type of membership and wis...

Renewing Memberships

Admin/Custom views Membership History

This page generously contributed by the Townsville Toy Library committee.   Membership Renewal Once a membership is within 4 weeks of expiry an alert will be shown at the top of the borrow/return screen (the alert will be orange if it hasn’t expired but wil...

Add/edit list of pieces

Toys/Resources (Individual Page)

Adding To add new pieces, simply fill in the quantities and names of the pieces, and make sure to press the green "Add pieces" button at the bottom of the page to save.     Columns If your toy has a large amount of pieces, it may be easier to read (and ...

Missing Pieces - Toy Records

Toys/Resources (Individual Page) Missing Pieces

Through the toy page you can see a record of the missing pieces, current and past, for the toy, and whom they are allocated to. Through this page you can only Replace missing pieces. To return found missing pieces, please follow this process.   The example ...

Reporting Missing Pieces

Toys/Resources (Individual Page) Missing Pieces

To report a missing piece, there two options - either allocate it to a previous borrower, or designated it as "unknown" (previously labelled as Lost in Toy Library). Select the option appropriate for the scenario using the links on the left hand side of the s...

Loan History/Reservation History

Toys/Resources (Individual Page)

Loan History displays all previous loans. Note: "member not found" will display if member information has not been migrated across with the toy (for instance, if the member is expired and a toy library choses to only migrate current members across).    If a ...


Toys/Resources (Individual Page)

Holds is a function that must be turned on via the toy library settings page. Holds are turn based, based on when the item was requested.  If a toy is in the toy library when a hold is placed (if you have that setting turned on), or the toy is returned, the n...


Admin/Custom views

Member's Page - Holds Login Level option: Manage Member Holds This page shows a members current and previous holds, and their place in the queue if there are multiple members requesting the same item. More details on Holds are found here. Toys can also be p...

Missing Pieces

Admin/Custom views

Missing Piece History This is the history of all missing pieces allocated to this member over time, including if they have been returned or replaced. For the full workflow on how to return missing pieces, please visit this page. "Giving up" on a missing pie...

Returning Missing Pieces

Toys/Resources (Individual Page) Missing Pieces

How to return a missing piece, including if it has been "given up on" (fee charged). Missing pieces are returned through the member's Missing Pieces page, located in the menu on the left side of their profile.  This example member has three scenarios in whic...

What to do in case of suspected data breach

Security and Data Information

In the case of suspected data breaches ie a committee members phone is stolen, or there is a break in and your laptop (which is left logged in) is stolen, please follow the below steps to help secure your data and email LOG OUT THE USER (pi...

Previous Loans

Admin/Custom views

Displays all borrowing history, including toys that have since been deleted.  If children's details are recorded, any children born whilst a member will also be shown in here.

Transaction History & Money Form (Taking Payments)

Admin/Custom views

Transaction History Transaction history lists all transactions for the member. Balance (whether owing, or owed) is at the top. "Pay via" is set in favourite transaction types in toy library settings, clicking the button in the relevant column will allocate ...