Returning Missing Pieces
How to return a missing piece, including if it has been "given up on" (fee charged).
Missing pieces are returned through the member's Missing Pieces page, located in the menu on the left side of their profile.
This example member has three scenarios in which a piece may be returned:

1. The piece has already been replaced.
Clicking return here will remove the missing piece flag from both the toy and member (but keep the record as a previous/past missing piece). As the piece was marked as replaced, there will be no adjustments made to the pieces list as no change was made when the piece was replaced. It is up to the organisation whether they wish to remove the replacement piece from the toy and put the original back in, or keep the original aside as another spare.
2. The piece has not been replaced.
Clicking return here will remove the missing piece flag from both the toy and member (but keep the record as a previous/past missing piece), and update the pieces list text. NOTE: If a missing piece was flagged as "very important" and the toy was put into the Missing (Pieces) location, returning the piece does not take the toy out of the Missing location. This will need to be done manually through the toy's Edit Toy page.
3. The piece has been charged for.
Returning a piece that has been given up on/charged for will log the returned date, and issue a credit to the member based on the amount set in toy library settings. If the piece had been replaced, no change will be made to the pieces list; if it was not replaced, it will amend the pieces list to return the piece (same as examples above).
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