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Loaning items

Loaning a toy is the most basic function you will need to perform using this software.  All loans are linked to a member's name. 

Begin typing the member's name in the search bar in the top left of your screen.

Member name.PNG

Click on the name to bring up the member's page.

Alternatively, pressing the ‘Go’ button, directs you to a page listing all members with ‘Paren’ in their name. Click on the name you want.

Your member pages look as shown below.

Member name 2.PNG

In the Loan a Toy box, start to type the unique code and number of the toy/item you are going to loan to the member. Choose the correct item and click on Loan toy.

loan toy 1.PNG

Check the toy loan has been successful (see green banner at the top of the screen), and confirm that the loan return date is correct (bottom of the screen).

loan toy 2.PNG