Membership Types (Page)
Location: Members/MemberMembership kindsTypes
MemberMembership KindsTypes
MemberMembership KindsTypes are the types of membership your organisation uses, and define what rights and responsibilities your member has.
This page displays a table of all membermembership kindstypes which are not legacy. Legacy membermembership kindstypes can be viewed via the link in the top right corner of the page.
Statistics in the table are taken from current (not locked) members.
Clicking on a MemberMembership KindType name will give you a list of all current members with that MemberMembership Kind,Type, and the parameters of that membership. Clicking on edit will allow you to change these parameters, but they will only apply in actions going forward - if you change loan period it will only apply on toys borrowed after the change has been applied, or if you change the membership fee it won't change charges already applied, only new sign ups/renewals, etc.
Bonus bits:
Scrolling to the bottom of the page will give you global edit options. None of these can be undone, so tread carefully.
New usual loan period: As noted, this will be applied to all membermembership kinds.types. It can be more or less than the previous loan period (ie if your usual loan period is 30 days and you want to switch to 21, you would enter 21 in here and click the button).
New usual renewal period: Same as above, just applied to renewal period instead of loans.
Extend all memberships: If your organisation wants to extend memberships (ie you are closing for a period, or just feeling generous), you add this here. Note: this will apply to all current memberships, including any that have expired - so recommend tidying up your membership list first before applying this change.