Lists focussing on member status/engagement
Expired members: Members who are not locked, but their expiry date is in the past. "Annual fee due?" will change to Yes when this occurs - fee will not be applied until the membership is renewed. Column for "Toys on Loan right now?" to help with tracking down missing toys. "Last toy returned on" gives an insight as to when a member truly "left" the toy library - their membership may expire in October, but if they haven't borrowed since January, then they've checked out a long time ago. Or if you find a lot of members returned toys in the same week then never borrowed again, you may want to investigate what was happening at that time.
ALL MEMBERS (including locked): List of all members ever registered in the database. Includes date joined and lock date.
Locked members: Lists all locked members in the database, including "De-identified" place holders, with email, suburb, date joined and lock date.
Lapsed members: Members who have borrowed at least once, but not in the past 3 months. Will include members with toys currently on loan if it is more than 3 months since they were borrowed.
Inactive members: Members who have no toys on loan currently, and not borrowed in the past 3 months, including those who have never borrowed.