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Release Notes
- Start preparing for Rails 6
- zeitwerk fixes
- fix filenames in send_data
- Reservations changes
- Fix success message not being shown when making a reservation
- Improve display of reservations on toy history page
- Improve pickup/return buttons on member pages
- Fix calendar links when creating actual opening hours in branch mode
- Improve daily stats page
- Prevent item being renewed if a conflicting reservation exists
- Add SMS spend tracker
- Only send SMS invoice if messages have been sent
- Remove member 2 login when email is changed
- Don't create member suggestion if member is locked
- Add item suggestion to returns page
- Add Sunbury bag label
- Block access Bulk Email feature from Sample TL
- Fix 'unknown' membership expiry bug
- First release of Bulk Email feature
- Fixed self-renewal using incorrect fee type (PPTL)
- Online sign up - branch_id is now set when they are verified (to match the branch_id of the user verifying them)
- Fix invoice to display as $1 instead of 100c
- BTL Vic Bag label update
- Fix asset compilation error caused by d3 upgrade in August 2021
- New public sign up page released, major changes include
- Skills Options (formerly Talents) now listed as checkboxes for ease of reading
- Membership options listed as checkboxes to give all examples at a glance
- Javascript verification to ensure that Member 1 First Name, Last Name, and Email are filled
- Javascript check that Member 1 email and Member 2 email are not the same
- Javascript to ensure Helmet Waiver signed box is ticked (if configured)
- Overall language and flow changes
- Remove edit option from Actual Volunteering Sessions
- Create job for future bulk email
- Add Branch addresses to homepage in branch mode
- Email displayed on homepage as text
- Gosnells Bag Label now handles non-1toN catalogue items
- Rename of Talents to Skills (Options), and clarification of Skills (Free Text)
- Skills (Free Text) (aka Skills Report) added to Members drop down menu
- Overhaul of drop down menus (removal of duplicate links, update terminlogy, group toy actions)
- Add heuristic notification for dropped PayPal payments
- Fix error after failed login when online signups are enabled
- Fix alertbox script error on member pages
- PayPal reliability improvements
- Fix precision of balance calculation
- Use separate order lines for fees and donations
- Stabilise PayPal callback to avoid losing payments
- Hide Volunteer Calendar options on member sign up, and Volunteer History, unless Volunteers is enabled
- Removal of Click and Collect references in Member view when in Appointment mode
- Bookings/Click and Collect daily summary on home page
- Improve language from Sign up to Join here for public view
- Fix loan validation bug
- Show due date and days overdue in loans history on member and toy pages
- Show all branch addresses on Primary bag label
- Add appointment reminder email
- In appointment mode, allow bookings until slot start time
- Fix glitch when refreshing page after picking up, returning or cancelling reservations
- Fix bag label warnings for Little Buddies and Yarra Ranges
- Hide deleted toys in warnings and picture warnings lists
- Redesign bag label for Gosnells
- Update AWS credentials & move email to Sydney region
- Line breaks in Home Page Text now show on public homepage, and in toy library settings
- Update of LittleBuddies bag label
- Added rake task for bulk emailing without creating membership essentials
- Added template text to C&C Emails in install:email
- Removed superseded bag labels
- Added Appointment Mode to C&C
- Tidied up Toy Library Settings layout
- Creation of YarraRanges bag label to replace Mt Evelyn
- Add SMS consent to admin signup page
- Replaced "parent" with "member" on admin and online signup pages
- Handle missing toy pic and library logo on Primary bag label
- use reCAPTCHA instead of humanizer for online signups
- Added member SMS list
- Changed logo descriptions in settings to "website" and "bag label" to reflect how where they're used
- Use the correct membership length when unlocking a member
- Hide legacy membership types when unlocking a member
- Clarified payment details in invoice and reminder emails
- Fixed issue preventing PayPal.Me links in invoice emails from working correctly
- Fixed reservation calendar to ignore returned loans
- Block loaning an item when a conflicting reservation exists (introduced on 2022-03-06)
- Remove empty warning space on Primary bag label
- Add SMS consent to member
- Fix incorrect loan period from logged-in user instead of borrowing member
- Fix picture warnings for Monash2
- Remove unused bag label designs
- Fix Primary bag label borders and logo
- Fix broken link to "blank picture" on settings page
- Remove "T/" prefix from barcodes on new bag labels
- Add database transaction when loaning toy
- Amendments to Geraldton bag label
- Amendments to Monash bag label
- Amendments to Primary bag label
- Fix formatting on renewal fee pdf
- Traffic light tables replaced with Volunteering status (all, and restricted to volunteering members)
- Member email, phone number added to volunteering status lists
- Fixed missing column in past opening hours table
- Added new primary bag label design
- Fix PayPal issue with more than two decimal places
- Fix error when manually creating opening hours (introduced on 2022-02-13)
- Remove delete button from unverified members
- Fixed Darebin bag label size
- Fixed membership end date update when verifying new member
- Add link to contract renewal invoice PDF on invoices page
- Check excluded dates when manually creating opening hours
- Prevent deleting opening hours with associated information
- Fix picture warning image quality on bag labels
- Email member when nominating a special event roster
- Add mini bag label for Geraldton
- Display item attributes in selected order instead of alphabetical
- Add contract expiry email notifications
- New invoicing rules for March 2022
- Show time for sent SMS messages
- Show queue position on hold receipt
- Hide hold receipt from non-admin users
- Fix columns on item list when branches and shelf locations are both enabled
- Increase font size for Geraldton bag label
- Sort attribute picker alphabetically when editing item
- Update address for Lincoln bag label
- Fix SMS to use the country from settings
- Invoice batch job should correctly update HQ
- Add credentials for new HQ API
- Add Geraldton bag lab
- Fix daily stats to use loan/return times instead of create/update times
- Changes for SMS billing
- Prevent member payment reminders being incorrectly reported as sent twice
- Update Google Maps Geocoding API key
- Removed reference to two-year contract renewals
- Update Willetton bag label to remove address and use configurable text
- Add Darebin bag label
- Allow members to pay renewal fees using PayPal when "charge a fee to hire most toys" is set
- Fix performance & memory usage of some stats pages
- Reinstate automatic_sms table for all sites
- Fixed self-service renewals not redirecting after clicking the "renew" button
- New rules for changing item location. This should help with click & collect and quarantine issues.
- "On loan", "Click & collect" and "Quarantine" are now considered 'special' locations. "In library" and any custom locations are considered 'normal'
- You cannot change the location from 'special' to 'normal' or vice versa. You must use the "return", "loan" or "release" features to change the location for these items
- You can change the location to a future quarantine from a normal location
- Tidy of add/edit toy page
- New format for invoice and reminder emails
- Outstanding balance is now more obvious and can be paid by PayPal.Me
- Invoice emails are now sent even if the invoice has a zero charge
- Reminder emails are sent if you have an outstanding balance
- Updated SETLS ongoing fees page
- Replaced "waiting on" and "in credit" values in header with outstanding balance
- Removed "don't pay if less than $50"
- All overdue invoices with an amount greater than zero will be highlighted
- Fix issue where items could not be created when using 'ttcnopadding' with a delimiter