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Actual Opening Hours

Location: Toy Library/Actual Opening Hours

The Usual Opening Hours must be created first, to allow you to create Actual Opening Hours. The Actual Opening Hours page will allow you to nominate 'starting from when' do you want the usual opening hours to start?

Listing Actual Opening Hours

This view gives you a list of all future actual opening hours that have been generated, with the hours (based on the Usual Opening Hours associated with that day).

Actual Opening Hours can only be deleted if they have no Actual Volunteering Sessions attached to them.

Creating Actual Opening Hours (manual creation)

Once you have created Usual Opening Hours, you can generate Actual Opening Hours (AOHs). This can also be automated in Toy Library Settings.

Opening hours can be created individually (single session) or for a period of time (multiple sessions). If there is already an open hour for that date, it will not be created. 

Specific dates can be excluded through Excluded Dates.

IMPORTANT: There is no way to bulk delete Actual Opening Hours - we recommend not generating dates too far in the future in case of changing circumstances (you don't want to have to be going through and clicking "delete" 50 times if you decide next year you're opening on Mondays instead of Wednesdays).

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